Swaleh Tenga, who is a beneficiary of the USAID funded program, SCORE.

March 2016 marked a new beginning for 24 year old Swaleh Tenga of Matuga Arts Troupe, who is a beneficiary of the USAID funded program, SCORE. After completing form four, he did not attend college due to lack of school fees. With no professional training it proved difficult for him to get a job. The introduction of devolution had made him believe he would now find employment just as he had believed with the commencement of major mining activities in Kwale County.

Swaleh narrates;
As time kept passing, I lost hope and my sense of patriotism. I could not link myself to any development activities. The SCORE program has awakened me and now I know what else I can do to achieve my life dreams.

Base Titanium procurement policy has given 70% allocation to local suppliers yet until now we are only utilizing about 50% since we do not have registered businesses.Likewise we have not been able to fully utilize the reserved AGPO tenders. With the business trainings and field tours to the Kwale Huduma Center, Base Titanium and Leisure Lodge Resort that the SCORE program facilitated I am now better placed and equipped to fight for better life and no one can convince me to join radical groups with the false hope of getting rich quickly. I take it very seriously that Base Titanium has committed itself to support youth businesses through the SCORE program. The ball is now with us youth and I want to assure the program facilitators that this time round we will score the goals.

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